relevance of personal
knowledge management is felt by more and
more companies with its important role of being the foundation of the knowledge
management efforts of the entire team. Every company desires to come up with a
more effective knowledge sharing and a culture of collaboration. The world of
social media has undeniably contributed much in making the flow of knowledge a
fluid one. This is very evident in the status quo. Personal knowledge or tacit knowledge is a greater level of knowledge mainly because it is something that
we do not learn through information but from our experiences. Some people are
struggling while others feel like this has grown naturally with them throughout
the years. The best way that we can maintain knowledge is through constant
sharing and learning from the people around us but it could be better if we
learn things all by ourselves.
There are two types of knowledge that you should know to get the
right strategy in knowledge management. These are the explicit and tacit
v Explicit
knowledge is passing on knowledge with a use of a book or manuals that explain
the company’s safety protocols. This kind of knowledge is easier to pass on to
someone else compared to the other type of knowledge.
v Tacit
knowledge is a kind of knowledge that is learned through experience. This kind
of knowledge is difficult to transfer.